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Dr. Guoxi Wu in 2021



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The company was established by Dr. G. Wu, P. Eng., in 1998 in British Columbia, Canada.

Guoxi Wu, Ph.D., P. Eng., Founder and Manager

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in geological engineering and a master’s degree in geotechnical engineering in Shanghai China, he joined in 1989 the research group of Professor W. D. Liam Finn on geotechnical earthquake engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada.  There he received in 1992 another master’s degree in geotechnical engineering with a research thesis on “Seismic induced flow deformation and remediation study of Sardis dam [Mississippi, USA]”.  In 1994, he received a Ph.D. degree from UBC also in geotechnical engineering with a Ph.D. thesis on “Dynamic soil-structure interaction:  Pile foundations and retaining structures”. 

In addition to the research work conducted with Professor Finn, Dr. Wu had also worked in the early stage of his professional career closely with Professor Finn on many consulting projects involving seismic performance of dams.  These projects included seismic rehabilitation design of Sardis dam in Mississippi, TARA-3 (Finn et al. 1986) dynamic analyses of Kennecott Copper Tailings Dam [in Utah] and Wappapello Earth Dam in Missouri, seismic response simulation of China’s Dashihe Tailings Dam under the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake, seismic analysis of Lagunillas Dyke in Venezuela, remediation option studies of Kushiro Dykes in Japan, and TARA-3 dynamic effective stress analysis with consideration of pore water pressure dissipation during shaking for the Keenleyside Earth Dam in British Columbia. 

Since 1995, Dr. Wu has worked in a number of major consulting companies in BC including AMEC Environment & Infrastructure in Burnaby (formerly AGRA Earth and Environmental), Klohn Crippen Berger Limited in Vancouver (formerly  Klohn-Crippen Consultants Limited in Richmond), EBA Engineering Consulting Limited in Vancouver, Golder Associates Ltd. in Burnaby, and the engineering group of BC Hydro since 2007.

Dr. Wu’s specialties include design of pile foundations, soil liquefaction evaluation, seismic stability assessment and rehabilitation design of earth structures, numerical analyses of soil-structure interaction under static and dynamic loads, and ground improvement methods to mitigate liquefaction. 

As a senior and specialist engineer practising mainly in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, Dr. Wu has been involved in many consulting projects including BC Hydro’s John Hart dam and Ruskin dam seismic upgrade projects, seismic vulnerability assessment of Metro Vancouver’s First Narrows and Port Mann water supply pipeline crossings, FLAC dynamic analysis for seismic upgrade of the Seymour Falls Dam, seismic rehabilitation of the Pattullo Bridge and the Mission Bridge, and seismic retrofit of the North Viaduct of the Lions Gate Bridge.  His practising experience also includes design and construction of the pile foundations for the Moray Channel Bridge and the Russ Baker Way Overpass for the Vancouver International Airport, and also pile foundations for the North Serpentine River Bridge, the South Serpentine River Bridge, the Nicomekl River Bridge, the Serpentine River Bridge and the Metro Vancouver (formerly GVRD) Trunk Sewer/Cloverdale Canal Crossing for Hwy 15/10 expansion in Surrey.

Dr. Wu has over 60 publications in research areas including seismic ground response, soil liquefaction and seismic ground deformations, seismic soil pressures on yielding and non-yielding retaining walls, and seismic performance of pile foundations. 

Dr. Wu is a key developer of the finite element computer programs including VERSAT-S2D, VERSAT-D2D and VERSAT-P3D. He is probably the first (since version 2005) in using Microsoft .NET technology for geotechnical software. VERSAT codes are executed in local PCs with an Internet-based access key.  Thus, VERSAT software does not require a hardware key.   Dr. Wu’s computer programming experience can be traced back to the early 1980’s when his dream was to write a finite element code that can actually work.   At the time, of course, the code was written in FORTRAN language and operated in a super Siemens computer made in Germany and imported by Shanghai Tongji University in China.   However, his first successful run from his own made finite element code materialized in 1992 after completion of two finite element courses from UBC Civil Engineering.

In addition to seismic response of soil structures and pile foundations, Dr. Wu's consulting expertise also includes seismic hazard assessment, earthquake ground motions, and  blast induced soil liquefaction.


Ms. Rebecca Jiang, BBA
Marketing Director

































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