VERSAT-2D (S2D & D2D & Processor)
Release 1998 - 2013, 2016, 2018(PSPA), 2023 ©1998-2023 Dr. Guoxi Wu
© 1998-2023 Wutec Geotechnical International (WGI), B.C., Canada Website:
Although this software (VERSAT-S2D and VERSAT-D2D) has been tested extensively
by the publisher and experience of using it would indicate it is accurate within
the limits given by the assumptions of the theory and data used, the publisher
(Wutec Geotechnical International) and the author (G. Wu) assume no liability
whatsoever with respect to any use of this software or with respect to any
damages or losses that may result from such use. Any use of this software to
solve problems is the sole responsibility of the user as to whether the output
is correct or correctly interpreted or the problem correctly modelled.
VERSAT-2D is a software package consisting of three computer programs,
namely, VERSAT-2D Processor, VERSAT-S2D and VERSAT-D2D. These three components
of VERSAT-2D function independently. Interactions among them take place through
data files saved in a Windows Explorer file folder.
VERSAT-2D Processor is a Windows based graphic interface program. It
serves as a pre and post processor for VERSAT-S2D and VERSAT-D2D. The program is
used to generate a finite element mesh, define soil zones, assign material
properties, define boundary conditions, assign pressure loads, and generate
input data for VERSAT-S2D & VERSAT-D2D. The program can also display and plot
results from analyses such as stresses, displacements, accelerations, pore-water
pressures, and a deformed mesh.
VERSAT-S2D is a computer program for static 2D plane-strain finite
element analyses of stresses, deformations, and soil-structure interactions. The
static analyses can be conducted using stress-strain constitutive relationships
from linear elastic model to elastic perfectly plastic models, i.e.,
Mohr-Coulomb model or Von-Mises model. The static loads are applied in a drained
condition; each load application is assumed to be acting in a long time to fully
dissipate any pore water pressures due to the load application. This program can
also be used to compute or determine static pre-existing stresses for use in a
subsequent dynamic finite element analysis. Main features of VERSAT-S2D are:
Linear elastic model; Von-Mises failure criterion;Mohr-Coulomb failure
criterion; Stress level dependent stiffness (moduli G, B) that are strain-level
independent prior to failure; External load applications; Staged construction by
adding Layers (each Layer is a load application; so is a Run); Staged excavation
by removing Layers; Pore water pressure application; Calculation of stresses and
deformations caused by strength-reduction of soils; Simulation of sheet pile
wall and anchors; Updated Lagrangian analysis; Factors of safety calculation;
Gravity on and off ; Calculation of pre-existing stresses for use in a dynamic
analysis using VERSAT-D2D; 4-node, 6-node and 8-node solid elements to represent
soils; 2-node line elements to represent sheet pile walls (beam) or anchors
(bar/truss); Use of any consistent units and sign conventions
VERSAT-D2D is a computer program for dynamic 2D plane-strain finite element
analyses of earth structures subjected to dynamic loads from earthquakes,
machine vibration, waves or ice actions. A dynamic analysis is always conducted
in an undrained condition; dynamic loads (such as an earthquake ground shaking)
are assumed to be one load application acting in a short time that does not
dissipate any pore water pressures caused by the dynamic loads.The dynamic
analyses can be conducted using linear, or nonlinear, or nonlinear effective
stress method of analysis. The program can be used to study soil liquefaction,
earthquake induced deformation and dynamic soil-structure interaction such as
pile-supported bridges. Main features of VERSAT-D2D are:
Application of horizontal (or horizontal and vertical) ground accelerations at
the base, or horizontal outcropping ground velocities at a viscous/elastic
base(Adv.Dyn); Application of a load-time-history at any nodal points; Global
force equilibrium enforced at all time; Linear elastic model; Stress level
dependent stiffness (moduli G, B);Strain-level dependent shear modulus G
(non-linear hyperbolic stress-strain model for SAND type and CLAY type,
non-linear strain-softening model for SILT type); Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
for CLAY, SILT and SAND types; VERSAT-SAND Model for liquefaction analysis of
sandy soils; VERSAT-SILT Model for liquefaction analysis of silty soils;
Effective Stress Method of analysis, including the effect of earthquake induced
pore water pressure on soil strength and on soil stiffness; Calculation of
ground deformations caused by soil liquefaction using updated lagrangian
analysis for large displacements; Calculation of factor of safety against soil
liquefaction or strain-softening; Simulation of sheet pile wall and anchors;
Gravity off for VERSAT-1D module; Free-field stress boundary; 4-node solid
elements to represent soils; Use of any consistent units and sign conventions;
Probabilistic Seismic Performance Analysis (PSPA); Local viscous damping (a, b)
for stiff structures.
VERSAT-2D Documentation
VERSAT-2D Academic & Commercial Information
VERSAT-2D v.2021.10 (new)
- OPEN standalone version (max. 1500 elements )
free for everyone
- This version is capable of conducting probabilistic seismic performance analysis
VERSAT-S2D For Static Analysis
- To request an academic or commercial version of VERSAT-S2D, send e-mail
(*) to
VERSAT-2D For Static and Dynamic Analyses
VERSAT-1D For 1D Site Response Dynamic Analyses (note: VERSAT-1D is a sub
module of VERSAT-2D)
- Included in VERSAT-2D_OPEN_2021.10. It is a standalone version and free to everyone.
To be qualified, send your request from an organization email address, indicating the organization name
and address, your position and the intended use of the program.