Publications of G. Wu
Guoxi Wu 1992. Seismic induced flow deformation and remediation study of
Sardis dam. M.A. Sc. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, the University of
British Columbia, Vancouver.
Guoxi Wu 1994. Dynamic soil-structure interaction: Pile foundations and
retaining structures. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, the
University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
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Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Yoshida, N. 1992. Seismic response of sheet pile
walls. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Madrid, pp. 1689-1694.
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Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Yoshida, N. 1992. Seismic lateral pressures on sheet
pile walls from saturated backfills under strong shaking. Proceedings of the
4th International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Swansea, UK,
pp. 393-402.
Finn, W.D.L., and Wu, G. 1993. Seismic response of pile reinforced sections of
Sardis dam. Report to US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experimental
Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Ledbetter, R.H. 1993. Seismic response of pile
reinforced section of Sardis dam. Proceedings of the Seminar on Impact of
Computational Mechanics on Engineering Problems, Sydney, Australia, pp.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Ventura, C.E. 1993. Preliminary studies of ground
motions at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena sites during the 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Case Histories
in Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 1781-1788.
Finn, W.D.L., Ventura, C.E., and Wu, G. 1993. Analysis of ground motions at
Treasure Island site during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, No. 12, pp. 383 390.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Ledbetter, R.H. 1994. Recent developments in the
static and dynamic analysis of pile groups. Proceedings of the 8th Vancouver
Geotechnical Society Symposium - Deep Foundations, Vancouver, pp. 1-24.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Ledbetter, R.H. 1994. Problems in seismic
soil-structure interaction. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Morgantown, West Virginia, pp.
Finn, W.D.L., Ledbetter, R.H., and Wu, G. 1994. Liquefaction in silty soils:
Design and analysis. Ground Failures under Seismic Conditions, ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication No. 44, pp. 51-76.
Finn,W.D.L., and Wu, G. 1994. Recent developments in dynamic analysis of piles.
Proceedings of the 9th Japan Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, 6
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1994. PILE-3D: A computer program for 3D non-linear
dynamic analysis of single piles and pile groups in layered soils. Department
of Civil Engineering, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1994. SPAW: A computer program for non-linear analysis
of seismic pressures against rigid walls. Department of Civil Engineering, the
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Thavaraj, T. 1995. Seismic response of pile
foundations for bridges. Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Montréal, June, pp. 779 786.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Thavaraj, T. 1995. Seismic response analysis of pile
foundations. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soil Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece, pp. 459-466.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1995. A new method of dynamic analysis of pile groups.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Crete, Greece, pp. 467 474.
Wu, G. 1995. Dynamic response analysis of saturated granular soils to blast
loads using a single phase model. A research report submitted to the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, AGRA Earth Environmental
Ltd., Burnaby
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Finn, W.D.L., and Wu, G. 1996. Nonlinear seismic analysis of pile foundations.
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.
1414, Acapulco, Mexico.
Finn, W.D.L., Thavaraj, T., and Wu, G. 1996. Seismic analysis of pile
foundations: State-of-art. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 2073, Acapulco, Mexico.
Wu, G., and Gohl, W.B. 1996. Improvement of saturated sand using blasting
technique. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Soft Soil
Engineering, Nanjing, China, pp. 315-320.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1996. Seismic pressures against rigid walls. ASCE National
Convention for "Analysis and Design of Retaining Structures against Earthquakes", Washington, DC,
ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: GSP 60, pp. 1-18.
Wu, G. 1996. Seismic soil pressures against vertical rigid walls. Proceedings
of the 10th Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium - Earth Retention Systems,
Wu, G. 1996. Volume change and residual pore water pressure of saturated
granular soils to blast loads. A research report submitted to the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. AGRA Earth &
Environmental Ltd., Burnaby
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Wu, G. 1996. BLAST: A computer program for non-linear dynamic response analysis
of granular soil to blast loads.
Finn, W.D.L., Sasaki, Y., and Wu, G. 1997. Simulation of response of the
Kushiro River Dike to the 1993 Kushiro-oki and 1994 Hokkaido Toho-oki
earthquakes. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 99-102.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Thavaraj, T. 1997. Soil-pile-structure interactions.
Seismic Analysis and Design for Soil-Pile-Structure Interactions. ASCE National
Convention, Minneapolis, pp. 1-22.
Finn, W.D.L., Wu, G., and Thavaraj, T. 1997. Nonlinear seismic response of pile
foundations during strong earthquake shaking. Seismic Behaviour of Ground and
Geotechnical Structures, Séco e Pinto (editor), ©1997, Balkema, Rotterdam,
Gohl, B., Sorensen, E., Wu, G., and Pennells, E. 1997. Nonlinear soil-structure
interaction analyses of a 2-span bridge on soft silt foundations. US National
Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, Sacramento, California, pp.
Finn, W.D.L., Ledbetter, R.H., and Wu, G. 1997. The stabilization of the
upstream slope of Sardis Dam using driven prestressed concrete piles: Methods
of analysis. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer
Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, pp. 141-150.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1997a. Dynamic elastic analysis of pile foundations
using finite element method in the frequency domain. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, 34: 34-43.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1997b. Dynamic nonlinear analysis of pile foundations
using finite element method in the time domain. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
34: 44-52.
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Wu, G. 1997. CABLE-1D: A computer program for nonlinear seismic analysis of
pipes/cables on slopes.
Gohl, W.B., Tsujino, S., Wu, G., Yoshida, N., Howie, J.A., and Everard, J. 1998.
Field applications of explosive compaction in silty soils and numerical
analysis. Proceedings of 1998 Specialty Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake
Engineering and Soil Dynamics III, Seattle, ASCE Geotechnical Special
Publication No. 75, pp. 654-665.
Wu, G. 1998. VERSAT-S2D: A computer program for static 2-dimensional finite
element analysis of continua, Version 98. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Wu, G. 1998. VERSAT-D2D: A computer program for dynamic 2-dimensional finite
element analysis of continua, Version 98. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Finn, W.D.L, Sasaki, Y., Wu, G., and Thavaraj, T. 1999. Stability of flood
protection dikes with potentially liquefiable foundations: analysis and
screening criterion. Proceedings of the 13th Vancouver Geotechnical Society
Symposium - Slope Stability & Landslides, Vancouver, pp. 47-54.
Wu, G., and Finn, W.D.L. 1999. Seismic lateral pressures for design of rigid
walls. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 36: 509-522.
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Wu, G. 2001. Earthquake induced deformation analyses of the Upper San Fernando
dam under the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 38:
1-15. Download
Wu, G., and Chan, S. 2002. Design of the Russ Baker Way Overpass on liquefiable
sand - Vancouver Airport Connector - Sea Island, Richmond, BC. Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Vancouver,
pp. 579-586.
Wu, G. 2004. VERSAT-P3D: A computer program for dynamic 3-dimensional finite
element analysis of single piles and pile groups, Version 2004. Wutec
Geotechnical International, Vancouver, Canada.
- Wu, G. 2005. VERSAT-S2D 2005: A computer program for static 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
- Wu, G. 2005. VERSAT-D2D 2005: A computer program for dynamic 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Wu, G., Fitzell, T., and Lister, D. 2006. Impacts of deep soft soils and
lightweight fill approach embankments on the seismic design of the Hwy. 15 North
Serpentine River Bridges, Surrey, B.C. Proceedings of the 59th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, pp. 596-601.
Wu, G. 2006. Drilled-shaft accelerations compared to free-field seismic
response determined using the national building code of Canada 2005,
Proceedings of the 7th Chinese National Conference on Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
Wu, G. 2006. Seismic analyses of piles in soft soils for a single span bridge
near Vancouver Canada, Proceedings of the 7th Chinese National Conference on
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
Wu, G. 2006. VERSAT-P3D: A computer program for dynamic 3-dimensional finite
element analysis of single piles and pile groups. Wutec Geotechnical
International, Vancouver, Canada
Maiorano, R.M.S., Aversa, S., and Wu, G. 2007. Effects of soil non-linearity on
bending moments in piles due to seismic kinematic interaction. Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Paper
No. 1574, Thessaloniki, Greece.
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- Wu, G. 2007. A study of laterally loaded pile groups using the quasi-3D finite
element method. Proceedings of the 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (the
Diamond Jubilee), Ottawa. Download Now
Guoxi Wu 2009. VERSAT-S2D v.2009: A computer program for static 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Guoxi Wu 2009. VERSAT-D2D v.2009: A computer program for dynamic 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
- Wu, G. 2010. Seismic soil pressures on rigid walls with sloped backfills.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California,
US, May 24-29.
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T. Thavaraj, W. D. Liam Finn and G. Wu, 2010. Seismic Response Analysis of Pile Foundations,
International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Volume 28, Number 3, 275-286
Guoxi Wu 2012. VERSAT-S2D v.2012: A computer program for static 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Guoxi Wu 2012. VERSAT-D2D v.2012: A computer program for dynamic 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Finn W.D.Liam and Wu, Guoxi, 2013. Dynamic Analyses of an Earthfill Dam on Over-Consolidated
Silt with Cyclic Strain Softening. Keynote Lecture, Seventh International Conference on Case
Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, US, April 29 - May 4.
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Guoxi Wu 2015. Seismic Design of Dams, Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering published by
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
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G. Wu, W.D.L. Finn and J. Dowling, 2015. Quasi-3D analysis: Validation by full 3D analysis and
field tests on single piles and pile groups. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Vol. 78 pp. 61–70
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Guoxi Wu 2016. VERSAT-S2D v.2016: A computer program for static 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
Guoxi Wu 2016. VERSAT-D2D v.2016: A computer program for dynamic 2-dimensional
finite element analysis of continua. Wutec Geotechnical International,
Vancouver, Canada.
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2017.11 Lecture for Vancouver Geotechnical Society: PROBABILITY APPROACH FOR GROUND AND STRUCTURE RESPONSE
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Guoxi Wu 2018 June. Probabilistic Approach to Design of Seismic Upgrade to Withstand both Crustal and Subduction
Earthquake Sources, 25th Vancouver Geotechnical Society (VGS) Symposium, Canada
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Wu, G. 2021. Reliability-based dynamic analyses for seismic design optimization in British Columbia,
Proceedings of the 27th Vancouver Geotechnical Society (VGS) Symposium, Canada
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Wu, G. 2022. Case Study of the Austrian Dam under the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and its Implication to Seismic
Analysis in BC, Presentation on 28th Vancouver Geotechnical Society (VGS) Symposium, Canada
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Wu, G. 2023. Case History Studies of Lenihan and Austrian Dams under the 1989 Loma
Prieta Earthquake. Geo-congress 2023, Los Angeles, USA, March. ASCE Geotechnical Special
Publication GSP-338, p.308-323
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